Saturday, August 31, 2013

How to Paint a DIY Checkerboard Coffee Table

DIY Checkerboard Coffee Table - and a "how-to" paint it.

This is a repost of a cute make-over that I wanted to share again, now that people are actually reading my blog!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Dining Table - Take Two!

I had previously written about finding this great table at a garage sale for FREE.... Yes. Absolutely stinkin free!  Nada, zip, nuttin! 
I actually had a table exactly like this about 15 years ago. So who knows, perhaps this is my old one. Regardless, lately I have found myself on the lookout for a pedestal table "just like the one I used to have"......

Thursday, August 29, 2013

No Sew Burlap & Muslin Table Runner

Today I'm sharing a no-sew table runner that I made recently.  They are quite simple to make.  You just need to iron two pieces of fabric together with stitch witchery.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fall Container Gardening Inspiration


I love me some container gardens.  Always have.  Over the years I have moved quite a bit and they provided me the satisfaction of creating and nurturing a garden - which I love - at times when I didn't even have a yard.  

Friday, August 9, 2013


My son.... sometimes I feel like a broken record around him.
"Wash your hands" must come out of my mouth 100 times a day.  At least that's how it surely feels to both of us!  So, I created this adorable PRINTABLE wall art for his bathroom.  This is a HUGE hit with that 10 year old!
I hope you like it too!   

(See terms of use below the image)


Feel free to grab this sign, FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. If you use this in a project that you blog about, please link back to me and/or give me credt. My free printables may not be included in a "FREE GRAPHICS/IMAGES" Website or blog post. Free Printables on this site belong to me exclusively and may not be sold  or mass reproduced without prior permission.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

God Bless Texas - Subway Art - Silhouette Portrait Project #8

My 10 year old son wanted to do an "art project" with me.  He told me didn't care WHAT we did..... AS LONG AS HE COULD USE THE CUTTER.... The Silhouette Portrait - that is. 
I've been wanting to make some Subway Art - so we combined his love for all things "TEXAS" with the "CUTTER" and here's the result.  This was almost a FAIL....but in the end, we saved it.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tips & Tricks for the BEGINNING Silhouette Portrait User


When I set out to create something, I like to get the biggest bang for my buck, so to speak.  You could say I'm thrifty.  Or frugal.  Or you could even say that I am fiscally responsible in these matters.  But that all sounds like the equivalent of putting lipstick on a pig.... So, I will just put it out there and call it as I see it -

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Clever, Crafty & Creative Linky Party #5

Link up your Clever, Crafty & Creative home decor, DIY, recipes, projects, tutorials, etc.

Thanks to everyone who shared their creativity last week!  You all inspire me with your creative ideas, recipes and home décor!  Here's a quick look at the three most popular links last week...
All features will be linked to my  CCC Pinterest Board! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

FREE No Soliciting Chalkboard Printable

This makes me smile every time I see it! We get a lot of people knocking on our door selling this or that and it gets old... But I would NEVER turn away a GIRL SCOUT!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Halloween sign from scrap wood!

Every time I look at the sign I can literally hear the voice of the Wicked Witch...
and I LOVE it!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Easy Kitchen Art - Silhouette Portrait Project #6

I've been looking for some new, updated kitchen art - when inspiration hit!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

DIY Wedding Decor

In 2011, within three months of each other, my two oldest daughters got married DIY-style.  I thought  I would share a few of my favorite pictures of the DIY items from their weddings.
We made all the flowers for this wedding by hand.